
Aspects of Leadership: Good Leaders Find Good Advisers

Know when to tune out, if you listen to too much advice you may wind up making other people’s mistakes. – Ann Landers



Good leaders are not only open to advice they are adept at selecting their advisers. Good leaders seek the advice from people whose competence and integrity they trust who have different experiences and perspectives. Good leaders do not expect their advisers to be cheerleaders who affirm their every thought or action. Good leaders seek advisers who are candid, articulate and who have the ability and take the time to understand the practical realities of the situation as well as the ethical aspects and implications of options considered by the leader.

Good advisers understand that the leaders they advise have the responsibility to made their own independent judgments, taking into account their own instincts and experience as well as the advice of others. Good advisers are not offended when their advice is adapted or ignored; they are content of the leader seriously considers their opinions and viewpoints. Good advisers know that the leaders they advise will bear the ultimate consequences of the actions they take and that this duty does and should affect their decisions. Good advisers understand the perspective, dispositions, fears and ambitions of those they advise and learn to provide their honest advice in a way and at a time it is most likely to be properly considered. Good advisers know that advising is itself a skill that can be learned and improved.