You are a new employee. After a few weeks, you discover that many people in your department take company supplies, make personal calls on company phones and pad expense reports. Your supervisor is one of the persons involved and he claims that the company treats such minor acts as a kind of fringe benefit to make up for low salaries. …
Business Case #11: Abrasive Personality in the Workplace
Jan is a clerk with a very abrasive personality. She is usually competent but at least once a month she says or does something that seriously offends co-workers or members of the public. Dan, her supervisor, has counseled her several times but concludes she is a negative influence and he wants to terminate her but this is her fourth year …
Business Case #4: Financial Crisis
You are the chief financial officer of a 25-year-old manufacturing company that employs 75 people. The company has been losing money for four years and its family owners have poured over $1 million dollars into it to save it. In addition, the company has a $750,000 line of credit. The bank has become increasingly nervous about the loan, especially since …